AMP3D: Predictive analytics monitoring at the bedside and beyond
AMP3D distinguishes itself with a unique and proprietary predictive analytics monitoring platform:
- “CoMET”® (Continuous Monitoring of Event Trajectories) combines live data streams from bedside monitoring networks and electronic health records, processes these data using patented algorithms, and displays immediately actionable and intuitive results.
- New paradigm in patient monitoring through predictive analytics and intuitive visualizations that enables a comprehensive platform for assessing and managing both patient and provider risk.
- Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform uniquely uses advanced mathematical time series analysis of “Big” continuous monitoring Data in addition to vital signs, lab tests, and the EHR in real time to target clinician-identified events.
- Predicts 6+ hours ahead to support proactive decisions throughout the whole hospital, from admission to discharge. Potentially catastrophic but tractable events can be anticipated and managed, reducing morbidity, hospital stays, and mortality.
- Applies advanced mathematical time series analyses of vital signs, lab tests, EHR and continuous monitoring that improve on numerous Early Warning Scores
- Extensible to outpatients via “wearable” devices.
- 10 Patents and Patents-Pending.